Goals & progress

2021 ESG Performance Metrics

Below is a snapshot of our 2021 progress towards our sustainability goals. For more detailed information on our performance over time, download our 2021 ESG Performance Metrics.

2021 ESG Performance Metrics
Our Sustainability Reporting Suite includes multiple resources available online that explain our approach to help build a more sustainable food system. The below information reflects progress against our sustainability goals, as they were structured in 2021. For detail on how we measure performance against these goals, see Calculation Methodology on ESG Topics A-Z.

About our evolving ambitions

The introduction of pep+ (PepsiCo Positive) in 2021 gave PepsiCo the opportunity to re-evaluate its sustainability goals. For some of these, we made the decision — based on our latest understanding of needs and opportunities — to extend the scope and/or level of ambition. In most of these cases, we are now striving to achieve results by 2030 in line with our broader pep+ agenda.

We have also introduced 17 new goals that align with our pep+ vision to operate within planetary boundaries and inspire positive change for the planet and people.

We have indicated below goals that are new, goals that have expanded scopes and/or timelines and which have been assured.


The information on this page is as of June 28, 2022. As a general matter, recent organizational changes (e.g., acquisitions and divestitures) are reflected in our reporting as soon as data becomes available, at which point, previously reported impacted metrics that are deemed significant are recast to consistently reflect the impact of the organizational changes. Unless otherwise noted, information available with respect to our acquisitions of Hangzhou Haomusi Food Co., Ltd. (Be & Cheery), BFY Brands, Inc. (BFY), Pioneer Food Group Ltd. (Pioneer Foods), Rockstar Energy Beverages (Rockstar) and SodaStream International Ltd. (SodaStream) is included herein. Targets apply to PepsiCo’s operations as well as our value chain (e.g., franchise bottlers, joint ventures where PepsiCo has operational control, co-manufacturers, etc.) unless otherwise noted.
Positive Agriculture

Positive Agriculture

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Spread the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across 7 million acres, approximately equal to 100% of the land used around the world to grow our crops and ingredients for our products
7 million acres
>345,000 acres1
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not reported in prior years.
Advocate for and contribute to a measurable improvement in the health of high water-risk watersheds where we directly source our crops, including an improvement in water-use efficiency of 15% by 20252
15% (2025 Target)
Sustainably source 100% of our key ingredients, expanding to include not only our grower-sourced crops (potatoes, whole corn and oats), but also key crops from third parties, such as vegetable oils and grains5,6
Goal expanded with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Combined metric not measured in prior years.
Improve the livelihoods of more than 250,000 people in our agricultural supply chain and communities, including by economically empowering women
>250,000 people
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Progress reporting for this metric is in process.
1 Regenerative acres reported for 2021 include U.S. and Canada only. Regenerative acres demonstrate measured improvement in sequestering carbon to reduce GHG emissions AND at least one other of the following: improved soil health, improved watershed health, improved biodiversity or improved livelihoods.
2 15% improvement goal measured versus a 2015 baseline. The metric was previously reported in our Water section. To focus efforts on implementing sustainable practices, we currently intend to collect and publish agricultural water-use efficiency data at least every three years. High water-risk locations defined by WRI’s Aqueduct tool.
3 Data for this time period not available, as we measure this metric at least every three years
4 Results reflect the exclusion of Pioneer Foods, BFY and Be & Cheery
5 For grower-sourced crops, sustainable sourcing refers to meeting the independently verified environmental, social and economic principles of PepsiCo’s Sustainable Farming Program (SFP). For supplier-sourced crops, sustainable sourcing is achieved through a third-party standard that has been benchmarked as equivalent to the SFP or, in limited regions, a continuous improvement program addressing the main environmental and social risks with growing the relevant crop. Percentage of volume sustainably sourced and verified by third parties, including volume of certified sustainable palm oil meeting Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standard and volume of certified sustainable cane sugar meeting Bonsucro or equivalent standard.
6 Cane sugar: Results reflect the exclusion of SodaStream and Pioneer Foods
Positive Value Chain: Climate

Positive Value Chain: Climate

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Reduce absolute greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our value chain by more than 40% by 2030, including a 75% reduction in emissions from our direct operations. Achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.
Reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 75%1,2
Reducing Scope 3 emissions by 40%1,3
Reducing total Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions by more than 40% by 20301,5
1 Measured versus a 2015 baseline
2 Goal timeline extended to 2030. Goal ambition increased from 20% to 75% reduction.
3 Where 2021 actual data was not available, estimated 2021 data was used. Goal timeline extended to 2030. Goal ambition increased from 20% to 40% reduction. 2021 Scope 3 progress impacted by increased packaging use, transportation, third-party manufacturing and other purchased goods due to business growth.
4 Results reflect the exclusion of Be & Cheery and certain Scope 3 emissions for other acquisitions where data is not available
5 Where 2021 actual data was not available, estimated 2021 data was used. Goal timeline extended to 2030. Goal ambition increased from 20% to more than 40% reduction. 2021 Scope 3 progress impacted by increased packaging use, transportation, third-party manufacturing and other purchased goods due to business growth.
Positive Value Chain: Water

Positive Value Chain: Water

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Improve operational water-use efficiency by 25% in high water-risk areas by 20251,2
25% (2025 Target)
Ensure we have net water positive impact by achieving:
Best-in-class water-use efficiency in 100% of high water-risk manufacturing sites, PepsiCo and third-party facilities3 (for PepsiCo facilities, this equates to more than 50% reduction in absolute water use from 2015 baseline year)
High water-risk beverages sites (liters/liter)2,4
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not reported in prior years.
High water-risk convenient foods sites (liters/kg)2,4
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not reported in prior years.
World-class water-use efficiency in all other manufacturing sites, PepsiCo and third-party facilities3
Non high water-risk beverages sites (liters/liter)2,4
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not reported in prior years.
Non high water-risk convenient foods sites (liters/kg)2,4
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not reported in prior years.
Replenishing back into the local watershed more than 100% of the water we use5
Continue to adopt the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard in high water-risk manufacturing areas, by 2025, as a vehicle for water advocacy
Number of high water-risk facilities that have fully adopted the AWS Standard
Number of high water-risk facilities that are in the process of adopting the AWS Standard
1 25% improvement goal measured versus a 2015 baseline. High water-risk locations defined by WRI’s Aqueduct tool. Between 2006–2015, water-use efficiency improved by 26% in global legacy operations.
2 Results reflect the exclusion of Be & Cheery
3 All best-in-class and world-class results for 2021 do not reflect inclusion of third-party facilities
4 Best-in-class water-use efficiency for beverages sites is defined as 1.2 liters/liter of beverage production. Best-in-class water-use efficiency for convenient foods sites is defined as 0.4 liters/kg of convenient foods production. World-class water-use efficiency for beverages sites is defined as 1.4 liters/liter of beverage production. World-class water-use efficiency for convenient foods sites is defined as 4.4 liters/kg of convenient foods production.
5 Results reflect the exclusion of SodaStream and Be & Cheery, and do not reflect inclusion of third-party facilities. Goal ambition expanded to include third-party facilities (100%) and more than 100% for company-owned operations by 2030.
Positive Value Chain: Packaging

Positive Value Chain: Packaging

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Cut virgin plastic from non-renewable sources per serving across our global beverages and convenient foods portfolio by 50%1,2 through:
Goal expanded with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not measured in prior years.
Scaling new business models that avoid or minimize single-use packaging materials
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. We are in the process of establishing our reporting methodology for this metric.
Reducing our absolute tonnage of virgin plastic derived from non-renewable sources by 20%1,3, including by:
Goal expanded with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not measured in prior years.
Use of market-leading bio-based materials and increase incorporation of recycled content (50% across plastics)4
Goal expanded with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not measured in prior years.
Design 100% of packaging to be recyclable, compostable, biodegradable or reusable by 20255
100% (2025 Target)
Goal expanded with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Updated Metric not measured in prior years.
Invest to increase recycling rates in key markets by 20256
Our actions include:
  • Educating and encouraging consumers to recycle
  • Partnering to increase and improve recycling infrastructure and building solutions for current and future material streams
1 Measured versus a 2020 baseline
2 Goal expanded in 2021 to 50% for beverages and convenient foods
3 2021 performance impacted by increased plastic use due to business growth
4 Goal timeline extended to 2030 and goal expanded to 50% recycled content
5 Goal expanded in 2021 to include reusable packaging, updated metric not measured in prior years
6 Further information on partnerships, including with Closed Loop Partners, the Alliance to End Plastic Waste and Circulate Capital, are detailed on the Packaging page on ESG Topics A-Z
Positive Value Chain: People

Positive Value Chain: People

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics1
2030 Target
Provide meaningful jobs and growth opportunities for our people and empower them to make a positive impact at work, at home and in their local communities.
Increase the employability of our people through increased access to degrees, skill development and new roles, providing meaningful growth opportunities to everyone at every stage
Our 2021 actions include:
  • Launching a tuition assistance program giving U.S. associates access to 100+ debt-free degrees, certificates and trades programs
  • Increasing breadth and depth of self-paced learning content in our learner experience platform
  • Initiating platform rollout for frontline learning that is easier to access and navigate
Empower our associates with the resources and time needed to cultivate prosperity in our communities
Our actions include implementing the One Smile at a Time program to:
  • Empower our associates who volunteer with the resources they need
  • Unleash the passion of our employees, especially our frontline associates
  • Provide opportunities to volunteer and micro-volunteer
  • Enable employees to connect with their colleagues and communities
  • Provide a simple way to sign up, track and show impact through a digital platform
  • Provide clear communications to all employees and find ways to engage
Build a better workplace and world by advancing human rights and diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) for our people, in our business partnerships and our communities including:
Continue to make measurable progress against our Racial Equality Journey goals in the U.S.
Achieve 10% Black representation in U.S. managerial populations
10%(2025 Target)
Goal added to pep+ vision in 2021.
Achieve 10% Hispanic representation in U.S. managerial populations
10%(2025 Target)
Goal added to pep+ vision in 2021.
Continue to help address inequalities for historically marginalized people, and underserved businesses and communities
Our actions include:
  • Increasing our engagement and programs at colleges and universities to cultivate and increase hiring of diverse talent
  • Tailoring our tools and resources, while continuing to deepen our engagement with external advocacy organizations to support our diverse workforce, including associates with disabilities, LGBTQ+ associates, veterans and communities of color
  • Developed skill-building programs to elevate business impact, while focusing on sponsorship and mentorship of our diverse talent
Achieve and sustain 50% women in management roles
50%(2025 Target)
Achieve and sustain pay equity for our global professional population by maintaining a comprehensive global pay equity review process
Women and men continue to be paid within 1% of each other2
Extend the principles of our Supplier Code of Conduct to all of our franchisees and joint ventures by 2025
Our actions include:
  • Continuing to engage directly with our franchise and joint venture partners on our pep+ priority areas, including human rights
  • Completing expansion of our Sustainable Sourcing Program to franchise and joint venture partners in Europe and Latin America
Promote fair and safe working conditions for all by advancing respect for human rights everywhere we operate and throughout our business activities3
Our actions include:
  • Revising our Global Human Rights Policy to strengthen our expectations and reflect emerging best practices in several areas, including our salient human rights issues
  • Piloting a new remote worker voice initiative with over 500 workers to gain insight into potential risks in our direct operations, and planning to further scale this initiative within other operations in 2022
  • Continuing to expand our Sustainable Sourcing Program to additional segments of our external value chain (e.g., contract labor providers) and evaluating additional areas for expansion in 2022 (e.g., transportation and logistics)
Continue to strive for an injury-free work environment4
Reach 100 million people with safe water access6
100 million
>68 million
>55 million
44 million
Partner with communities to advance food security and make nutritious food accessible to 50 million people7
50 million
>54 million
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Metric not measured in prior years.

1 Having achieved our goal in 2021, we are sunsetting the goal to provide 12.5 million women with essential resources for workforce readiness and programs that empower women in the food system and farming by 2025. In 2022, we will report similar program efforts to economically empower women in agriculture.
2 After controlling for legitimate drivers of pay and based on base compensation; analysis excludes frontline. U.S. and U.K. included in 2016 analysis. 21 countries included in 2017 analysis. 33 countries included in 2018 analysis. 69 countries included in 2019 analysis. 71 countries included in 2020 analysis, representing more than 99% of salaried population. 72 countries included in 2021 analysis, representing more than 99% of salaried population.
3 In late 2021, we initiated a strategic review of our salient human rights issues to ensure we are focusing on the rights at risk of the most severe impacts throughout our value chain. We anticipate concluding this review and providing a more detailed update in late 2022.
4 Progress showcases Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) per million hours worked. While this metric is new to our pep+ agenda, metric has been previously reported on our Environment, Health and Safety page on ESG Topics A-Z.
5 2021 and 2020 results reflect the exclusion of SodaStream and Pioneer Foods. 2019 results reflect the exclusion of SodaStream.
6 Metric counts the cumulative number of people provided with access to safe water since 2006. Goal increased to 100 million by 2030, having achieved more than 50 million in 2020. This metric was previously reported in our Water section.
7 Initial target setting for this metric did not include Pioneer Foods, which delivered accessibility for over 20 million people in 2021. Progress results include programs funded by the PepsiCo Foundation that are intended to provide nutritious meals, utilizing external standards established by the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States (FAO).
Positive Choices: Expanded Portfolio Offerings

Positive Choices: Expanded Portfolio Offerings

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2025 Target
Continue to provide consumers choice for every occasion by expanding our product offerings by 2025.
Reduce added sugars: ≥ 67% of beverage portfolio volume will have ≤100 Calories from added sugars per 12oz. serving1
≥ 67%
Reduce sodium: ≥ 75% of convenient foods portfolio volume will not exceed 1.3 milligrams of sodium per Calorie2
≥ 75%
Reduce saturated fats: ≥ 75% of convenient foods portfolio volume will not exceed 1.1 grams of saturated fat per 100 Calories2
≥ 75%
1 Our global progress is based on our Top 26 beverage markets, which represent 79% of our global beverages volume as of 2021
2 Our global progress is based on our Top 23 convenient foods markets, which represent 86% of our global convenient foods volume as of 2021
3 Results reflect exclusion of Be & Cheery portfolio
4 As of 2020, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 80% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 88% of our global convenient foods volume. Results reflect exclusion of Be & Cheery portfolio.
5 As of 2019, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 79% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 90% of our global convenient foods volume
Positive Choices: Innovative Packaging Solutions

Positive Choices: Innovative Packaging Solutions

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Develop and deploy disruptive sustainable packaging materials and new models for beverages and convenient foods.
Beverages: SodaStream/SodaStream Professional, powders, bio- and paper-based packaging1
Our actions include:
  • Launch of Gatorade sachets in Australia, allowing consumers to use their own reusable water bottles
  • Transitioning of brands like Pepsi Zero Sugar, Mtn Dew and Aquafina to 100% recycled PET in various markets
Convenient Foods: bio- and paper-based materials, reusable or low/no package models
Our actions include:
  • Expansion of pilots with rollout of Off The Eaten Path commercially compostable packaging in Whole Foods in the United States
1 By year end 2022, we intend to set a new target to expand alternative business models, including reusable and refillable bottles or containers, beverages that utilize concentrates such as fountain drinks, prepare-at-home beverages (e.g., SodaStream) or beverages sold in powder or drop form
Positive Choices: Planet + People Brands

Positive Choices: Planet + People Brands

  • New goal introduced
  • Expanded scope and/or timeline
  • 3rd-party limited assurance
Target Metrics
2030 Target
Leverage our scaled brands to embody and amplify positive outcomes for the planet and people, including empowering consumers with transparent environmental labeling on our key products
Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. We are in the process of establishing our reporting methodology for this metric.

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