Positive Choices

We're inspiring people through our brands to make choices that create more smiles for them and the planet.

At PepsiCo, we’re making it easier for consumers to choose great-tasting beverages and convenient foods that are better for themselves and better for the planet. 

We can have a positive influence on the diets of people around the world by providing delicious products that deliver important nutrients across food groups, and are trusted to meet high safety and quality standards. 

We currently offer food products with whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables as well as complementary beverage options like water and unsweetened tea, which support hydration without adding calories. Nutritious offerings are vital to our business, and we’re continuously renovating and expanding our portfolio to provide consumers with great-tasting products that provide positive ingredients.

While we’re improving the nutritional profile of many of our products by reducing added sugars, sodium and saturated fat, we are also investing in innovation to deliver important food groups and nutrients to encourage a balanced diet, accelerating a journey we began decades ago. 

We’re rethinking packaging serving sizes, developing innovative packaging solutions to reduce our carbon footprint and avoid waste, working to provide simple, clear information on our packaging and exploring ways to empower consumers with transparent environmental labeling on our key products by 2030.

Our most iconic brands are leading the way to drive positive change, leveraging their scale and global popularity to inspire people to make positive choices for our communities and our planet. 

Portfolio focus area

Expanded portfolio offerings


We've enhanced our portfolio through a combination of reformulation, new product innovations and the acquisition of new brands.

We’re improving the nutritional profile of our convenient food products with more whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables to deliver fiber, plant-based proteins, vitamins and minerals. 

We’ve made significant progress on reducing added sugars in our beverages and reducing sodium and saturated fats in our convenient foods portfolio so that people can continue to enjoy our most-loved brands as part of a healthy and balanced diet. 

Clear and prominent labeling makes it easy to understand the calorie and nutritional content of foods and beverages, empowering consumers to make more informed and positive choices. 

Our portfolio advancements

PepsiCo Positive Choices prioritize nutrition and the planet

Beyond Meat Jerky. 10g of protein, diverse ingredients, 100% plant-based.
Soulboost sparkling water beverage with a splash of juice and functional ingredients. Low calories, Lift flavor with 200mg of panax ginseng, Ease flavor with 200mg of L-theanine. Recyclable can.
Gatorade Zero with protein. Zero sugar, 10g whey protein, electrolytes. Recyclable bottle.
SodaStream bubly drops. Zero calories, zero sweeteners. Helps minimize single-use plastic.

Goals & progress

Expand our portfolio to provide more consumer choice with products that are better for planet or people.

Diverse ingredients goal

Use more diverse ingredients that are better for the planet or deliver nutritional benefits: including legumes, whole grains, plant-based proteins, fruits & vegetables, nuts & seeds.

Continue to provide consumers choice for every occasion by expanding our product offerings by 2025:

Sugar reduction goal

Reduce added sugars: ≥ 67% of beverage portfolio volume will have ≤100 Calories from added sugars per 12oz. serving  [footnote 1]

Sodium reduction goal

Reduce sodium: ≥ 75% of foods portfolio volume will not exceed 1.3 milligrams of sodium per Calorie  [footnote 7]

Saturated fats reduction goal

Reduce saturated fats: ≥ 75% of foods portfolio volume will not exceed 1.1 grams of saturated fat per 100 Calories  [footnote 8]
1. Our global progress is based on our Top 26 beverage markets, which represent 79% of our global beverages volume as of 2021
2. As of 2016, Top 10 markets represented 63% of beverages volume and 79% of convenient foods volume
3. As of 2017, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 80% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 90% of our global convenient foods volume
4. As of 2018, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 80% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 89% of our global convenient foods volume
5. As of 2019, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 79% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 90% of our global convenient foods volume
6. As of 2020, Top 26 Beverage markets represented 80% of our global beverages volume and Top 23 Convenient Foods markets represented 88% of our global convenient foods volume. Results reflect exclusion of Be & Cheery portfolio.
7. Our global progress is based on our Top 23 Convenient Foods markets, which represent 86% of our global convenient foods volume as of 2021.
8. Results reflect exclusion of Be & Cheery portfolio.


As we strive to offer consumers more Positive Choices for every occasion, we’re expanding our product line to include ingredients that offer greater nutritional benefits or are better for the planet, like chickpeas and other legumes, whole grains, plant-based proteins, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. 

We also strive to take a consistent approach to nutritional labeling throughout the world, in addition to complying with all relevant labeling laws and regulations in all markets in which our products are sold. On the front of our packaging (FOP), we are providing simplified nutrition information per portion to make it easier for consumers to quickly grasp nutrition information and make informed purchasing decisions.


118 global markets sold Pepsi Zero Sugar/MAX/Black in 2021
31 global markets sold our Frito-Lay line of Baked products in 2021

Explore Portfolio topics in more depth

PepsiCo's ESG Topics A-Z resource provides detail on strategy, data, policy, progress and more on a wide range of subjects.

Woman using a SodaStream to make sparkling water

Innovative packaging solutions


PepsiCo is reinventing how packaging is made and offering consumers more sustainable packaging solutions.

We’re transforming our product portfolio to use materials that prioritize the environment and deliver high-quality beverages and convenient foods without the need for single-use packaging.

Our efforts focus on reducing the environmental impact of our packaging by developing plastics from non-food, plant-based sources and exploring biodegradable or compostable options.

We’re also developing new business models and solutions that reduce packaging, such as drink powders and concentrates, and extending the reach of innovative reuse solutions like SodaStream and SodaStream Professional.

Our packaging innovations

PepsiCo is developing ways to reduce our carbon footprint and avoid waste by reinventing our packaging.

Scale reuse and refill offerings. SodaStream Professional, Gatorade powders, bubly drops.
Reinvent packaging materials and solutions. Off the Eaten Path, Pulpex.

Goals & progress

Develop and deploy disruptive sustainable packaging materials and new models for convenient foods and beverages

Sustainable beverage packaging goal

Launch of Gatorade sachets in Australia, allowing consumers to use their own reusable water bottles. Transitioning of brands like Pepsi Zero Sugar, Mtn Dew and Aquafina to 100% recycled PET in various markets.

By year end 2022, we intend to set a new target to expand alternative business models, including reusable and refillable bottles or containers, beverages that utilize concentrates such as fountain drinks, prepare-at-home beverages (e.g., SodaStream) or beverages sold in powder or drop form.

Sustainable foods packaging goal

Expansion of pilots with rollout of Off The Eaten Path commercially compostable packaging in Whole Foods in the United States


We’re designing our packaging to minimize the use of unsustainable materials, switching to alternative materials that prioritize the environment, and reinventing packaging to reduce the need for single-use plastics through reusable or low- or no-packaging models. We intend to set a new quantifiable goal to reduce our use of single-use packaging for a percent of volume of our beverage portfolio by the end of 2022.

We work with external partners to develop more sustainable packaging solutions. We’re working to scale biodegradable film resins for next-generation convenient foods packaging, and with our supply chain providers to scale compostable, renewable, bio- and paper-based and reusable packaging solutions. 

In partnership with the packaging technology company Pulpex Limited, we are working to develop the world’s first sustainably sourced, fully recyclable paper bottle, made from wood pulp, and our Frito-Lay brand launched commercially compostable packaging made primarily from non-food, plant-based sources for its Off The Eaten Path Veggie Crisps snacks line.

We continue to expand our portfolio of Beyond the Bottle beverages. SodaStream is bringing PepsiCo flavor options such as Pepsi Zero Sugar, Lipton and bubly and SodaStream Professional to additional markets by end of 2022. Our SodaStream Professional business is a mobile-enabled platform that allows people to customize their water away from home, including at offices, colleges and airports, with reusable bottles. SodaStream plans to switch all its flavors from virgin plastic to alternative materials including metal and rPET, which is expected to eliminate the need for nearly 200 million virgin plastic bottles by 2025 in addition to the more than 200 billion plastic bottles the brand is expected to help consumers avoid by 2030.

In our convenient foods business, we are investing in breakthrough food packaging technology and business models that offer new ways to deliver our convenient foods, including refill-on-the-go bulk dispensing models. For example, in 2020, in partnership with UK retailer, Asda, we launched a trial to reduce plastics and explore refillable options in their Sustainability Store.

Explore Packaging topics in more depth

PepsiCo's ESG Topics A-Z resource provides detail on strategy, data, policy, progress and more on a wide range of subjects.


Planet + people brands


We're using the scale of our iconic, globally recognized brands to inspire people to make positive choices for our communities and planet.

At PepsiCo, we recognize that our brands connect with consumers and can have a positive impact on the choices they make. More and more people today are purchasing with purpose, expecting that corporations be accountable for the role and impact they have on the planet. 

Data shows that more than half of consumers expect brands to have strong purpose and give back to society, and when consumers think a brand has a strong purpose, they are 4.5 times more likely to champion the company and recommend it to friends and family.

Against that backdrop, our powerful brands are taking action — imagining and implementing steps toward a better future while aiming to deliver the Positive Choices our consumers want and amplify positive outcomes. This includes efforts to drive greater recycling, educating people about the planetary impacts of their buying choices and empowering consumers with transparent environmental labeling on our key products.

Our good partnerships

Ellen MacArthur Foundation
The Nature Conservancy
World Wildlife Fund
Sustainable Brands

Goals & progress

Planet + People Brands goal

Goal introduced with the launch of pep+ in 2021. Progress reporting for this metric is in process.

Our consumer brands have joined the pep+ planet + people agenda, launching initiatives around the environmental and societal causes where they can have the biggest impact:

Restauranteur prepping food


educates consumers on the benefits of recycling (through Trash Talk activation with the NFL) and supported Black-owned and Hispanic-owned restaurants in the U.S. during the pandemic.


supports female farmers in Egypt, Peru and Uganda and celebrates the local origin of our potatoes in our key markets, including the U.S., Mexico, Turkey and Brazil. In addition, Lay’s RePlay initiative, in partnership with the UEFA Foundation for children and streetfootballworld, reuses empty chip packs to help create sustainable football pitches, uniting communities around the world through the power of football.

Lay's RePlay pitch


is expanding their Qrece program in Latin America, a program with the PepsiCo Foundation, CARE and Un Kilo de Ayuda, which addresses the basic needs of malnourished children, beginning with a healthy meal and ending with the ingredients for a promising, fulfilling future.


supports the LGBTQ+ community across Latin America with the ambition of promoting diversity, equality and respect by continuing the Doritos Rainbows initiative. In the U.S., Doritos promotes Solid Black, an initiative that amplifies bold Black voices of strength and resilience and aims to empower and give young Black people a positive platform to showcase their identity.

Doritos LGBTQ+ campaign


At PepsiCo, we are listening to consumers and taking the initiative to be more purposeful wherever we can. We’re thinking about where ingredients are sourced and by whom, how much water and energy is used to make our products, how we can be more efficient and sustainable with our packaging solutions, and how our brands show up for their communities.

We know we don’t have all the answers on this journey. Partnership is the key to progress, bringing expertise, complementing our capabilities and increasing trust and credibility. We’re engaging with key partners with shared ambitions, including the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund and Sustainable Brands.

We are working to develop industry-wide environmental labeling standards that let consumers know that buying a particular product will help build a more sustainable food system – from the way the ingredients were grown, to the way it was made, to the way it was designed to be consumed.

We’re proud that our brands are leading the charge to become sustainability leaders, from Pepsi-branded products in 11 European markets transitioning to 100% rPET bottles by the end of 2022 (which is expected to eliminate over 70,000 tonnes of conventional virgin plastic per year and reduce GHG emissions per bottle by roughly 30%) to the effort of Frito-Lay’s Off The Eaten Path to reduce GHG emissions by offering commercially compostable packaging made with 85% plant-based materials.

Explore Planet + People topics in more depth

PepsiCo's ESG Topics A-Z resource provides detail on strategy, data, policy, progress and more on a wide range of subjects.

Positive Choices stories

Expanded portfolio 

Expanded portfolio 

Ram Krishnan on the power of plant-based protein

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Expanded portfolio 

Expanded portfolio 

Meet the PepsiCo exec championing zero sugar beverages

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Expanded portfolio 

Expanded portfolio 

Beyond Meat and PepsiCo's Planet Partnership debuts Beyond Meat Jerky

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Innovative packaging

Innovative packaging

The story behind the world's first recyclable paper bottle

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Innovative packaging

Innovative packaging

Frito-Lay® launches industrially compostable bags with Off The Eaten Path® brand

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Innovative packaging

Innovative packaging

SodaStream launches new bubly drops

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planet + people

planet + people

Stacy's Pita Chips partners with Hello Sunshine to amplify female founders

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planet + people

planet + people

Lay's RePlay gives chip packaging a new purpose

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planet + people

planet + people

LIFEWTR® spotlights and uplifts black creatives in Black Art Rising's latest chapter

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Learn more about how we're making a difference